What is Migraine?
Yoga is recommended for the treatment of a variety of ailments, including migraines. Migraine is a sickness that causes a person to have a strong headache and is also a neurological ailment.
Migraine is a disorder that is commonly encountered in those who have been exposed to physical or emotional stress. Migraine is a condition that can affect both children and adults.
Symptoms such as a severe headache can last for days, and it usually affects half of the head. The length of the symptoms varies from person to person.
Nausea, light sensitivity, and exhaustion are some of the other migraine symptoms.
Females are more affected by migraines than men. Pregnant women are more susceptible to it.
Yoga helps to cure migraine.
Yoga is an ancient Indian discipline and culture that focuses on both the body and the mind. Yoga's major goal is to promote physical and mental well-being.
Simple yogic technique to cure migraine.
1. Practice Suryanamaskar:

Go to my previous post-https://www.kushiyogalaya.com/post/how-suryanamaskar-keeps-you-young-and-healthy which has detailed instructions on how to perform the suryanamaskar.
2. Jala Neti:
The neti is one of the six effective cleansing techniques of hatha yoga known as shat kriyas.
The neti pot is used to clean the nostrils. The nostrils must be maintained clean at all times. Unclean nostrils cause erratic breathing and, in some cases, headaches.
In general, neti kriya purifies the majority of the structures in the head and neck. Neti kriya not only clears the nasal passages, but also makes the nose resistant to irritants such as water, milk, ghee, rubber, cotton, and other substances.
As a result, removing hypersensitivity, as shown in people with allergic rhinitis, is beneficial.

In a Neti-pot full of lukewarm water, add roughly half a teaspoon of salt.
Keep the pot in your right hand.
Place the pot's nozzle in the right nostril.
Keep your mouth open to facilitate unrestricted breathing.
Tilt the head to the left, first slightly backward, then forwards and sidewards, such that the water from the pot enters the right nostril and exits through the left by gravity.
Allow the flow to continue until the pot is completely empty.
Repeat on the left side.
To clean the nasal passages of any remaining water, blow out the air accumulated in both nostrils with active exhalations through alternating nostrils, as in Kapalabhati.
3.Nadi shodhana Pranayama:
Sit in Padmasana or any other meditative posture). Completely exhale.
Close your right nostril with your right thumb and inhale with your left nostril
Breathe out through the right nostril after releasing the right and closing the left nostrils with the little and ring fingers of your right hand.
Inhale through your right nostril and exhale through your left nostril once again. One round of Nadi Suddhi is formed as a result of this.
Inhalation and exhalation from each side should be of the same duration.
(In the beginning, the inhalation and exhalation duration may not be the same).
To start with, one can have nine rounds and this can gradually be increased to about 25 or 30 rounds
Early morning and late evening are good times for this practice.
4. Do Asana on a Regular Basis:

For migraine sufferers, doing Asana on a daily basis or at least five days a week is a requirement.
It is preferable to start by practicing basic postures such as standing and sitting.
Later on, when you have enough expertise and understanding, you can try inversions and advanced poses like Sirshasana and Sarvangasana, which are quite effective in alleviating migraines.
To avoid any posture errors that could have a harmful effect, a complete beginner should first study under the supervision of an experienced yoga teacher.
Bonus Tip: Keep your phone usage to a minimum and avoid watching too much on it.
Click here https://www.kushiyogalaya.com/onlineyogaclasses if you wish to join the Yoga classes conducted by certified and experienced yoga teachers staying at home.
Khushi yogalaya is doing a great job of teaching Yoga for the benefit of health of the people, Many are availing the opportunity of learning and practicing Yoga online Also the Yogalaya keeps you updated with the benefits of each kriya, pranayama n yogasana explaining n simple words. I wish more people join Khushi Yogalaya n improve their health n happiness.
...Uma Javali Sabarad from Bangalore