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Ardha Chandrasana pose sequence step by step.

Writer's picture: N Rohit N Rohit

What is Ardha chandrasana ?

The meaning Ardha is half, Chandra is moon and asana is posture. The English translation of Ardha Chandrasana is Half moon posture.

Preparation for Ardhachandrasana.

This Asana is done balancing on one leg while the other is raised from the floor and this alignment requires strong legs and flexibility. A beginner who intends to do this posture must first gain some strength and flexibility in the legs by practicing the fundamental postures like

1. Trikonasana :

A trikonasana is a standing posture that gives lateral stretch to the torso and at the same time flexes the leg muscles which is needed for doing Ardha chandrasana.

2. Dandasana:

This posture is also called High plank which tones the arms and core muscles.

3. Padangusthasana

Padangusthasana is a forward bending posture that brings good flexibility for hamstrings.

3. Suryanamsakar:

I always recommend this wonderful and dynamic sequence which improves your stamina and flexibility to a greater extent. Suryanamaskar can also be done as a warmup before trying Ardha chandrasana.

How to do Ardha chandrasana.

  1. Stand in Tadasana.

  2. Spread your legs 3 feet wider and simultaneously bring your arms in line with your shoulders placing them exactly parallel to the floor.

  3. Twist your foot 90 degrees towards the right and bend to your right placing your right palm on the floor. This posture is now Trikonasana.

  4. After attaining Trikonasana stay there for few breaths and place the right palm about a foot away from the right foot by bending the right knee and at the same time bring the left foot near the right one.

  5. Stay in this posture and with exhalation raise the left leg from the floor and keep the toes pointing up.

  6. Put the left palm over the left hip or keep it perpendicular in line with your shoulder and turn the chest to the left.

  7. The major portion of body weight is supported by the right foot and hip. The right hand on the floor is only a support to control the balance.

  8. Hold the posture for a minimum of 20 seconds to half a minute, breathing deeply and evenly.

  9. After holding the posture, bring the left leg slowly back on the floor and stand in Tadasana then repeat the same sequence on the other side.

Benefits of half moon pose:

  • Strengthens the leg muscles and also brings some flexibility.

  • This pose is known to cure gastric trouble.

  • It tones the lower region of the spine.

  • The practice of half moon pose also strengthens the knee joints.

For pupils like beginners who find it difficult to practice this pose can initially take the support of a wall or the usage of blocks can help. It is always advisable to learn safely from an experienced yoga teacher or enroll in a yoga class for detailed instruction.



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