What is the meaning of Ardha baddha padmottanasana?
Ardha baddha padmottanasana is a standing posture that requires concentration as it involves balancing in one leg and hold the other leg which is bent at the knees. This gives intense stretch to the shoulder, arms, and leg muscles.
Ardha in Sanskrit is half, Baddha is bound, Padma is lotus and asana is pose.
Type: Standing
Level: intermediate.
Duration: Hold for 30 Seconds to 1 Minute on both sides
Ardha baddha padmottanasana steps:
1. Stand a Tadasana or mountain Pose.
2. Inhale and raise the right leg while bending at knees and place the right foot sole on the root of left leg thigh.
3. Bring your right hand behind the waist while holding the bent leg with your left hand then grab the big toe of the bend leg with the right thumb, forefinger, and middle finger.
4. Slowly release the left hand, exhale and bend forward placing the left palms next to left foot and your forehead must touch the left knee
5. Hold the posture from 30 seconds to 1 minute or based on your capacity.
6. Slowly release the hand and raise the trunk and then release the bent leg.
7. Repeat the same sequence on the other side and retain the pose for an equal length of time.
Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana Benefits:
1. Cures Arthritis of the shoulder joints.
2. Improves knee flexibility and cure stiffness.
3. The abdominal organs are activated due to contraction.
4. Improves the digestion.
5. Helps in peristaltic activity thereby eliminating the waste matter.
6. Expands the chest which helps in breathing deeper.
Contraindication while doing Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
1. One must avoid doing this pose if they have undergone knee surgeries.
2. Do not force while bending the knee rather work gradually to improve the flexibility.
This pose could be difficult for a beginner, hence try to reach your fingertip first before placing the whole palm on the floor and bend as much as your spine allows based on your flexibility level.
With persistent practice, one can gain the flexibility and do the pose at ease and hold for maximum time.