What is Ananthasana:
This pose is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, one of the gods of hindu trinity Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. This pose looks very similar to the massive idol measuring 18 feet found in the temple of Ananthapadmanabha at Tiruvananthapuram in south india . It is considered one of the richest temple in india.
According to hindu mythlogy, Vishnu is seen reclining on his couch anantha or Adisesa. In his sleep a lotus grows from his navel . In the lotus is born the creator brahma , who create the world. After the creation , Vishnu awakens to govern in the highest heaven called Vaikunta.( Padma means lotus, Nabha is navel )
How to do Ananthasana:
1. Lie flat on the back on the mat keeping legs stretched out placing the palms on either side of legs.
2. Exhale , turn to the left and rest the body , keeping the lateral side in touching the floor.
3. Stretch the left arm over the head in line with the body then raise the head and use your palm to rest your head.
4. Bend the right leg and grab the right big toes with right hand thumb, middle finger and fore finger.
5. Exhale, stretch the leg and right arm straight up together.
6. Hold this position till half a minute.
7. Exhale, bend the right leg knee and return to the lateral position as stated in step 2.
8. Lower the head resting on left palm and roll over to supine position on the back
9. Repeat the pose on the other side for the same length of time.
Benefits of Ananthasana:
1. The hamstring muscle gets a good stretch.
2. The pelvic region gets a benefit.
3. This pose can be practiced by people suffering from backache.
4. This pose is known to prevent the development of hernia.
Preparatory Pose:
Ananthasana looks very simple but requires flexibility in hamstrings , hence work on to gain flexibility by performing basic standing postures like
2. Padhahasthasana
3. Trikonasana.
4. Parsvottanasana.