We are all aware that people all around the world have recently begun to adopt a fitness routine in order to stay fitter, healthier, and happier.
Resistance training, often known as weight training, is a popular workout that entails lifting weights to build various muscle groups.
When we practise asana, our brain cells form new connections and our brain structure changes. These alterations allow the brain to work more efficiently, particularly in terms of learning and memory.
Certain brain glands involved in memory, attention, consciousness, thought, and language is activated by yogic activities such as asana, pranayama, and meditation. Yoga is similar to going to the gym to work on your brain.
MRI scans and other brain imaging equipment have shown that persons who practise yoga have a thicker cerebral cortex (a section of the brain that deals with information processing) and hippocampus (a part of the brain that helps with memory retention and learning) than their counterparts.
Certain parts of the brain are known to shrink as people age, but this is not the case for people who practise yoga on a regular basis. This indicates that yoga practice delays the ageing process.
Yoga can also aid in the development of skills such as analysis, decision-making, and problem-solving. It also helps to maintain emotional balance.
If you find it difficult to find time for yoga, I recommend devoting at least 30 minutes to practicing two of the easiest yogic techniques.
1. Practice Suryanamaskar: Suryanamaskar is a well-known yogic method. Its versatility and applicability make it one of the most beneficial strategies for promoting a healthy, active lifestyle while also preparing for spiritual awakening and the resulting expansion of awareness.
Surya namaskar is a dynamic yoga workout that can be used as a warm-up before asanas or as a regular routine to help burn calories, increase immunity, concentration, and elevate mood.
You may access my earlier blog about suryanamaskar reading "How suryanamaskar keeps you young and healthy". You can practice suryanamaskar on your own and anyplace.
2. Brahmari Pranayama: Brahmari, also known as bumblebee sound breathing, is calming pranayama that de-stresses the mind.
The annamaya kosha, pranamaya kosha, manomaya kosha, vignana maya kosha, and anandamaya kosha are the five levels of the human body that go from gross to subtle, according to yogic theory.
Mental stress causes imbalances in the manomaya kosha, which causes sickness to spread to other koshas such as the pranamaya kosha and even the annamaya kosha.
It is critical to make an effort to alleviate mental stress by behavioral adjustments as well as yogic practices such as Brahmari, which relax the brain.
Brahmari Pranayama is performed using the following technique:
Sit in Padmasana or lotus pose and keep your spine straight
Close the ears with your thumb with gentle pressure
Take a big breath in through both nostrils.
Exhale slowly while imitating the sound of a large Indian bumble bee humming.
Repeat the cycle as needed after a complete exhalation.
If you wish to learn yoga from experienced and certified yoga trainers visit us at https://www.kushiyogalaya.com/onlineyogaclasses